Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mozy on over for a perfect backup solution

I was devastated last May when my computer hard drive completely bit the dust without any warning whatsoever in the middle of my Negotiation final exam. I was no less distraught upon realizing that my last backup had been around nine months earlier, leaving me with no records of any of my coursework other than the online transcript HBS offers.

I've done my research, and the best-of-breed backup solution I've been seeking for many years is now available. It's called "Mozy," it's free for up to 2GB of data, and you can click this link to get an extra 250 MB of space. (I pay the extremely reasonable $55/year to back up an unlimited amount of data, so I do not directly benefit from your clickage.)

Why I'm so ebullient and effusive with praise: Mozy is cross-platform (well, Windows and Mac -- still waiting for Linux) and automatically backs up files incrementally, over the Internet, securely, in the background, without competing with you for bandwidth or CPU. It's a long-standing dream come true (yes, I dream about perfect backups), and as long as Mozy continues to exist (and I believe it will thrive), I will never again in my life be without a backup.

Click this link and you'll get an extra 256MB on top of the

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